Opportunities for Growth Under New BC Zoning Regulations

Suburban and semi-rural housing densification allows for affordable and sustainable housing development options. Image via Unsplash

The landscape of single-family homes in British Columbia is on the brink of transformation, signalling a shift towards increased housing diversity and accessibility. In the summer of 2024, The BC Government is launching new provincial-wide zoning legislation that will pave the way for significant densification of suburbs and semi-rural areas. The goal of this new legislation is to replace outdated zoning rules and revitalize existing municipal neighbourhoods with a focus on small-scale, multi-unit housing.

In the Lower Mainland, zoning changes have gradually unfolded over the past two decades. Amendments to zoning bylaws have allowed the construction of basement suites and laneway homes on many lots, resulting in approximately 5,400 new dwellings. The recent approval of zoning bylaw changes further expands housing opportunities on Vancouver Island, allowing for multiplexes and additional dwelling structures on single-family lots and simplifying regulations for all single-family zones.

Key components of the new legislation include permitting three to four dwelling units on single-family or duplex lots, depending on lot size, and up to six units on larger lots close to transit stops. Additionally, secondary suites or laneway homes will be permitted, offering additional housing options for residents. These zoning legislations will apply to municipal areas with a population of 5,000 or more.

Multi-plexes or townhouses will soon be a development option on single-family lots under the new BC zoning legislations. Image via Unsplash

To streamline the development process, the legislation aims to phase out public hearings for rezonings and promote community involvement during official community plan updates. Local governments will have until June 2024 to update their bylaws to accommodate the new provincial zoning requirements.

While the full impact of the policy remains to be seen, it presents exciting opportunities for new and sustainable housing developments for our clients. Within these legislations, our clients may further renovate or add to their existing properties to accommodate additional dwelling units for family members or rental income.  This could come in several shapes or forms, including self-contained loft or basement suites, carriage homes or multi-plexes dwelling units within a singular structure.

At MODLUX, we have the knowledge to help you navigate these upcoming changes. Reach out to us to find out how we can help you reach the maximum potential of your property!


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